Temporarily Leaving the Hobby

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 16, 2009
Central Kentucky
So, I've been absent for a while from the site due to homework filling up the majority of my spare time. And with college (well... Gatton Academy, but close enough) coming up next year, unfortunately, I'm going to have to leave the hobby for a while until I get past college:bawl:. I'm working on trying to sell my cichlids, with little luck. I wish I could take one of my tanks with me, but it's such a long drive for them to make back and forth and I may not have time to maintenance them. It's been a big decision and I'm hoping I made the right choice, so wish me luck on my future endeavors :fish1:.
Good luck with whatever road you choose in life! I took a break for around three years and it was sort of nice freeing up some spare time for other area's of my life, you'll be back because once your bitten by the bug there really is no cure.
You could keep a planted/shrimp tank. They're basically maintenance free (shrimp eat stuff off the plants). If you do high light you might need ferts.

Anyways, good luck. College isn't as bad as people make it out to be :)
Good luck in school and try to keep on touch......You'll be baaaack
Good luck, you can still stick around AA and give advice, lol. I'm sure you will get more tanks once you have time for them.
Yeah. I'll try to stick around and help when I have time. And I definitely would like to get back into the hobby after college.
krap101 said:
You could keep a planted/shrimp tank. They're basically maintenance free (shrimp eat stuff off the plants). If you do high light you might need

I'm not sure... Maybe. I might wait until my second semester or year though, considering I'll be pretty much broke lol.
I was wondering why I haven't seen you on recently :( Good luck with college, and hopefully you'll be back soon! :) I'm actually starting college this year, but I'm sure hoping to have enough time for my fishy friends...

How ironic that you posted on the day I have some aquarium news :D haha. First the not so good news:
1. All of my Celestial pearls have unfortunately perished.
2. I still have yet to find a home for my cichlids. :/

Good news:
1. I moved the majority of my plants from the tank that had the CPDs to the glowlight tank, and the tetras are much happier.
2. I got some more NLS Cichlid food in today! :D
3. Even better, I got in the AquaClear 30 that I ordered for my 10g tank with the glowlights!!! I'm now wishing I could take it with me but my roommate is already insistent on bringing his tank (overpopulated with Glofish no doubt, considering they should be kept in 20g tanks imo, due to their activity and the max tank size allowed is 10 gallons :/). Maybe I can still bring mine, I might have to wait until after the first weekend break though, to make sure we have enough room.
Haha, I'm psychic! Sorry about your pearls :( That would be sweet if you kept your 10g! You could make it all high-tech since it'll be your only tank. Or even go SW? o_O You better stay on AA though :)

Thanks. Haha I'm staying low tech fw for now, and probably until I get out of college lol. Just not enough money haha.
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