Tonight, at a store....

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Apr 23, 2011
Melvin, Illinois
My daughter and I were looking at the fish. The tanks actually looked good for once, they must have cleaned out the dead fish recently! But lots of fish were misplaced, a zebra danio in with the giant danios, a guppy in with the goldfish. So my daughter gets the stool and the net and starts to put all the fish in the right place! Of course, an employee spots her. When you want to buy fish there's never anyone around, but try getting in there yourself, and they magically appear!

The lady was like "excuse me, what are you doing???!!!" So my daughter turns on her, lecturing her, and brandishing the wet net at her, telling her all about why the fish need to be in different tanks. She looked shocked and wandered away muttering to herself. It was the most fun I've had at that store in a while! :lol:
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Sisserydoo said:
She's 19. She's a real animal lover like me, and doesn't like to see them unhappy!

I don't ether! Surprised you didn't get kicked out or something bad. That is good that she did that. Fish should be happier . My dad got kicked out "killing the fish". Throwing a dead one away
Some chain stores are good, some are bad. Some lfs are good, some are bad. I think a person needs to go in, ask questions, look around and decide for yourself. I think decisions to patronize a fish store should be made based on the people and conditions, not the name over the door.

(Just to be clear, I'm not defending this particular stores practices as described. Nor do I believe that a customer has the right to start rearranging the stock. There are better ways to address the issues. I think we should seriously discuss the right ways to handle these things in these forums).
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Ya know...I read the title and the first thing that popped in my head was...

"One day, at band camp..."
GailLA said:
Nor do I believe that a customer has the right to start rearranging the stock.

Well...we have tried talking to the manager about the conditions there, and I have written to the company with no response. I just thought it was a humorous story about my crazy daughter. Sorry it offends you.
Well...we have tried talking to the manager about the conditions there, and I have written to the company with no response. I just thought it was a humorous story about my crazy daughter. Sorry it offends you.

It is not a matter of being offended and I'm not. I hope I didn't offend you.
Good for your daughter! She saw something wrong and did something about it! All of the stores in my area have stopped selling live fish.
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GailLA said:
It is not a matter of being offended and I'm not. I hope I didn't offend you.

No, you didn't offend me. Sorry if I snapped. Sometimes I get so frustrated. I could pull my hair out. My daughter just helps me see the lighter, and funnier, side of things!
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MDChurch said:
Good for your daughter! She saw something wrong and did something about it! All of the stores in my area have stopped selling live fish.

That is awesome news. One of the ones here sells fiddler crabs in little cups. Half of them were dead. :( my husband asked if we should buy the rest and save them, I said no, they'd just restock.
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Please keep the site rules in mind as you post...

This forum is not intended to be a mechanism for people to vent frustrations about vendors or sales from private parties. Members may post only factual, first hand experiences regarding retailers and vendors. Posts containing opinion, second hand information or content deemed to be intentionally defamatory will be removed. Please settle your differences with the seller, manufacturer and dealer through other means but not through our community.

Posts mentioning this particular chain's name have been edited.
Okeydoke, I thought I was relating a first hand experience, since I was there, but I will refrain from mentioning names from now on!
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