2nd try for low lighting.....

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 16, 2006
Ashland KY
its my second try at low light plants with no CO2. Its actually going great so far, the plants are adjusting well to the tank now, they all look healthy and wonderful, keep your fingers crossed for me lol
the results of my first try ended up with 3 ramshorns literally chomping my healthy plants down to nothing! lol now I'm down to one Ramshorn snail and he still chews on healthy plants, I guess I'm gonna have to get rid of him :(

as for my plants, you guys will have to excuse but I only know a couple of there names, I'm still learning...

crypot wendetti ( I thikn its wendetti )
green fox
rotola indaca
asian ambulia
water clovers
a ground cover that looks like wisteria
one thick stemmed green plant with a minty smell
and one I have yet to find out what it is, but its doing good!!
The correct spelling is Cryptocoryne Wendtii.

Is the Ramshorn cream colored with brown stripes? If so, it should be removed to the tank as it is a plant eater. The other smaller varieties of ramshorn should leave healthy plants alone and only eat unhealthy or dieing leaves.
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