About flourite.

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 5, 2008
Yesterday I removed my UGF and replaced my entire substrate with flourite. I have about a 4 inch layer all around my tank (20 gal). What advice do you guys have about Flourite?
Is it ok to have my entire substrate composed of flourite?
How will this affect my water parameters?
This is a real drag to rinse, I spent about 2 hours rinsing out two bags until there was not too much silt left buteven then after about 24 hours my tank is finaly clear!
Is this realy as good as Ive heard, or dose it just amount to finer more expensive gravel?
I have flourite in my tank. I don't mix it with anything. It was a pain to clean. My plants are doing very well in it, especially my java ferns. I have had it in for about 2 weeks, so can't really say yet if it is worth it. I Have heard great things about it.
It's just fine as the substrate by itself. Good job on the rinsing that your aquarium cleared so quickly. You may still want some root tabs under any heavy feeders like swords, but that's about all you'd need to do to it.
I have Flourite in a couple of my tanks and have used it for several years. It never depletes itself and is a good source of iron. It is a great substrate for planted tanks although I now use Eco-Complete when I set up new tanks. In any case I will add Flourish Tabs for plants that are heavy root feeders like Amazon swords and use liquid fertilizers (i.e. Flourish, Flourish Excel, Flourish Iron, etc.) where appropriate.
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