baby Amazon Swords??

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Hello all,

Have a question about how Amazon Swords reproduce. I have one that is putting off a shoot that appears to be babies or possibly flowering?

Best way to decribe it is like the common house plant, "airplane plant / spyder plant", that has plantlettes comming from the mother plant.

If these are babies. Can I simply cut them from the mother and place them in the substrate to form roots?

Yes, they are babies, but make sure you dont cut them untill they have 4-6 leaves and a decent root system. And they could flower if you allow them to grow out of the water.
That is a great article. Thanks for shareing it. The baby swords have 6 or more leafs, but they don't seam to have a root system yet. I was going to do some plant trimming tomorrow and seperate some java fern babies. Looks like I will hold off and wait for the baby amazons to get better roots before doing a little aquascaping.

This is my first attempt at a planted tank. It's certainly nice to see everything thriving :)
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