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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jun 10, 2005
Ontario Canada
A Hygrophila difformis aka Westeria

I heard this plant wasnt very demanding(actually i did some research) its suitable for my lights and a lot of websites says it doesnt need much.

Problem: mine is becoming pale. Sites also say that in mine becomes pale, its because of lack of miconutrients... so where do i get these miconutrients?
Here's what I use to add micronutrients and trace nutrients: Seachem Flourish - Comprehensive Supplement for the Planted Aquarium. I also use Seachem Flourish Excel (a carbon source), and Flourish Nitrogen. Start out with the Comprehensive Supplement first, and try Excel if you don't inject CO2 (although the label says you can use it in conjunction with CO2). My nitrate readings are always 0, so I try to supplement with the Nitrogen fertilizer. I still haven't worked out a good dose for the Nitrogen as my nitrates are still 0.
It really sounds like low micros/iron. A lot of people keep Wisteria for the sole purpose of telling when their water column is low in micronutrients because there's really no easy way to test for it. H. difformis will shows signs of paling faster than just about any other plant because it grows so quickly so it makes a perfect indicator :)

An t-iasg is right. Flourish Comprehensive, dosed according to label directions, should do the trick.
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