muddied waters...

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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 3, 2008
Love the site!

My question: What I've read of optimal water conditions for best plant growth is that plants in fact do better in harder water--even those found in acid pools, flooded forests, etc. that those plants apparently just don't compete well anywhere else... How then do you decide which fish and which plants would be optimal (clearly I'm still struggling with the low Ph, and water hardness 'thing'...) if I'm going for an acid pool look, highly planted, with some minimal CO2 injection perhaps, and moderate it okay for that water to in fact be somewhat hard? yikes...Any suggestions?
I have a 55 g tank, and intend to have a minimal fish load--a few corydoras and rasboras, some black widows. Thanks for any help you can provide!:D
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My water is so soft it is sad. The plants do just fine, many species prefer it. Just leave it alone, the fish you want will like it.
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