Phoenix Moss (F. fontanus) vs. Java moss

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 11, 2008
I've read that Fissidens fontanus (aka Phoenix moss) is a slow growing native American moss, and that it is easy to maintain, but I have not been able to find a discussion of specific features about the moss (other than in ads). I'd like to know:
1. How slow does it grow compared to Java moss?
2. How long does it take for Fissidens fontanus to attach itself to drift wood?
3. Is it really easy to mainitain? - again, compared to Java moss

Thanks in advance for sharing your experience...
From what I have read,

1. It grows slower then java moss, which is pretty slow since javamoss grows fairly slow. I know in my tanks though it grows fairly quickly compared to others.

2. It's pretty much like javamoss, it depends how fast it grows, and how much light it gets. Some of my stuff takes close to a month, others take a week or so, depending on placement and the way you tie it down.

3. It is pretty much maintance free after it roots down. See with javamoss, you keep having to re-tie or just cut the strands that grow straight up. Fissidens fontanus grows with where it roots, so it will grow along the rock or dw and not just up. You might have to trim every once in awhile to keep it nice, dense, and short depending how you want it to look like.
I agree with Ben. I had this for quite a while (6 months) and it barely grew - lol - so yes, WAY slower than typical mosses. It will attach quite quickly to wood or rocks and stays put very quickly. As far as maintenance, it's just like a moss.
I've found that it grows just as fast as the other mosses that I've kept. Since most mosses require a bit more light than Java Moss, they all grow a bit slower than Java Moss. The more light that it's given the faster it will grow.
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