When you're going to make a helluva mess ...

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Apr 2, 2014
Portland, OR
... How do you best protect the fish?

I've been sick so I'm way overdue for a water change, and I've got all these plants I was given or traded that are in pretty haphazardly.

I'm going to scrub light dusting of algae off rocks, remove some gravel because my gravel-sand mix isn't showing any sand, move most of the plants, inevitably stir up some old seachem root tabs, add Mebbid-style Osmocote tabs, and then of course give back fresh clean water. I'll not clean the glass this time, for the sake of the Otos.

Any warnings I should be aware of, except try to not let the old root tabs end up on the surface?

Sent from my iPhone with three hands tied behind my back.
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