new cleanning crew for the tank

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 22, 2009
I'm realy pleased with my new cleanning crew...I bought last Friday 6 Amano shrimps for my planted 60lt tank and they have done miracles with getting rid of a small but never the less unsight growth of algae, I know they are not going to stop the problem, but at least is now under control...hurray for the Amanos.

BTW it's one of the most relaxing sights just watching them eat...AMAZING!!!!
I'm hoping to start a 20 gallon planted tank! I'll remember 'amano shrimps' down the road! Thanks for your post, and congrats on your new addition! :)
I have tried to have shrimp in my 55 several times but they never last for me... I don't think my tiger barbs were getting after them (heck, most of the shrimp were bigger than them!) but they still never lasted long... I always loved having them running around.
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