New Convicts

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 13, 2008
Loganville, Georgia
got some new Convicts last night. Check them out. they also came with a 29g tank. theres 6 in total. their in a 10g now but will be in the 29 by tommorrow. anyone know any good tank mates for convicts. thanks
Nice. Some advice, i would sell/ give away 4 of those convicts. They can, and will get very agressive ( i have had them de-scale one another). I would keep 1 male and 1 female, and let them breed. I wouldnt put anything else in there, as they are very, very, very agressive and will kill whatever you put in there. They do look like nice Con's though,
That tank is WAY too small for 6 convicts. Like Krib said, round up 4 of those guys and give them back. They setup is also bad for convicts, nothing in the tank. You should have plenty of caves, rocks, hiding spots ect. for a convict tank. Also convicts will get huge, larger then 6in, so I wouldn't even suggest putting convicts at all in a 29G unless they are in there temp. for breeding, then removed to a larger tank. I'm planning on having a breeding pair in a 55G for themselves.

They will get very aggresive during the spawning/breeding period and will kill anything they possiblely can, they have been known to kill fish like oscars that are 2-3x there size.

What I would do is take all of them back and if your trying to breed something, get something smaller and less aggresive so you can have tank mates.
yeah i planned on just keeping 2 anyway. but thanks. i thought about putting the pair in the 38g and putting the fish from there in the 29g. But i really dont think in will hurt these fish. they have lived in a 29g there whole life. and theyve done fine. I can get a pleco right? what about a jack dempsy as a tank mate or a green terror? i got the whole setup and the fish off of craigs list for $35. so ic cant take the fish back.
oh and im going to need help with gender. i know one is a male but not to sure about the rest. ill post closer pics of each fish later and you can help me out. wont be for a while camera just died.
The pleco will get killed and the jack dempsy will get killed with convicts. Like I said before, I highly suggest getting rid of all your convicts and going with a different setup.
First off, Jack Dempsy's are not nice fish, note their name sake, the famous early 1900's boxer Jack Dempsy. Second, they get huge. No wayy you can put that guy in a 29, or 38. Pleco's, will get beaten up. I assume your talking about the common one, correct?( the little tiny one's in the tanks that sellf or 4 dollars apiece). They get over a foot long, minnimum tank size, 55 gallons, plus they produce alot of waste.

I don't see anything wrong with a pair in a 29 gallon tank ( thats what i have, well now they are in a 20g). They do need alot of rock's and caves though to establish territory, or there will be fights.
Well, in my experience, it has not done them any harm. As long as you keep up on weekly water changes, and you feed them , they should be fine. Also, Convicts max size is 6 inches. Now, my 29 is about 16 inches long ( i think, not posostive, to lazy to go check), and around 8 inches wide. So, if and when they reach full size, the fish still has a extra 10 inches of room length wise, and 2 inches in width , allowing them enough room to comfortably turn around/do what ever they please. My 20 gallon falt hex they are in ( atm) is perfect for them, since it has such odd dimensions.
The only problem I have is that they are big fish, max size 6in like you said. So you really think you should put 2 6in fish in a 29G with a full setup of rocks,caves ect. I just think that is not enough spaces for swimming room and such. Plus even if you do put them in the tank, you can have absolutely no tank mates, they will all be murdered.
Same in a 55g though, no tankmate's, unless you put alot of Decor in , and put in 2 more convicts ( introduce them with the other 2 at the same time). I respect your oppinion, but i believe they will be fine. But, it's ultimatley his decision, so, whoever's advice he take's, its his choice in the end.
I'm not planning on tankmates in a 55G, but he wants tank mates, I don't.

Yeah I get you, it is his choice, my opion is that 2 6in fish needs more swimming room then they get in a 29G.
I forgot to add, the chances of females getting the whole 6 inches i not very good. For soem reason female cichlids dont grow as big. The female convict should only grow toa bout 4 inches ( i saw some in the pic that were about that size).

If he wants tankmates still, then i would forget convict's.
Well, he hasn't posted in a while. So we are not sure if he has decided to try and add tank mates anyway, or if he has taken our advice about tank mates.
sorry guys. went to bed early. Im not the one that wanted tank mates my parents did. i dont mind them being alone. so no tank mates. got it. my 29g is a 29g long i think. 1 minute i'll go check the dimensions.
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