Clown fish and Gobys?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 23, 2010
So, having a saltwater tank was my dream since i was 5, i simply loved the colours they had.
After thinking hard about it, i decided to do a 10 Gallon Nano Tank, yes i know, i should get a bigger tank, i actually have a 35 gallon, but its in use ATM by angel fish, and other Nice freshwater fish.
I Bought a bucket of salt, a small skimmer, dechlorinator, and other essencial things to the tank.
Right now its a FLOWR tank, with about 2/3 pounds of cured live rock.
I waited a month before buying my fish, and 5 days ago i bought a Oceallaris Clown fish, wich i feed krill, and freeze foods sush as brine shrimp ( he loves them ). I really like him, and i wanted to buy him a tank mate, a small fish that could live happily with a clown fish in sush a small tank. I saw in the store , some tiny but very beautifull Gobys, they had Deep blue lines along their body and the rest was black.
So my question is: Can i buy this Goby? I mean, will he live along well with the clown fish? I don't want to over stock it.

Thank you!
Clown fish are normally very sweet, but if they are in a small tank and you add another clown or other fish, they do get a bit terretorial. I added a flame angel to a 44g after having my clown in the tank for 3 years and he actually went after the flame angel - even though the flame could take him in a fight. So, 10 gallons is really too small to keep adding to. If it was a mated pair, that may have been fine. If you add another fish, make sure it is small and probably not a clown.:band:
Clown fish are normally very sweet, but if they are in a small tank and you add another clown or other fish, they do get a bit terretorial. I added a flame angel to a 44g after having my clown in the tank for 3 years and he actually went after the flame angel - even though the flame could take him in a fight. So, 10 gallons is really too small to keep adding to. If it was a mated pair, that may have been fine. If you add another fish, make sure it is small and probably not a clown.:band:
Is the Neon Blue Goby small enought?
You did read the article the captain gave you right?

Minimum Tank Size: 10 gallons
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