Eheim Jager heater

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 22, 2012
Anyone have any experience with these being a pain in the butt to calibrate?? I don't know if the thermostat internally is off, but BOTH of my thermometers say 80. When I turn the gauge to get the light off on the heater, it has to go all the way down to 73, before it shuts the light... Any suggestions?
Yea it was calibrated.. I then moved the heater, and the light came on and started over heating from the temp it was supposed to be at... The things goin crazy... Is it a possibility I got a bad heater??
That weird. We have 1 and have never had a problem. You could have gotten a bad one, maybe ?! Or we just got lucky.
I think I just got a bad one... I think the thermostat is no good. My LFS swears by them, and so do all his customers. I'm gonna give it another shot, he said he will gladly exchange it. I just don't any crazy water temp fluctuations.
Did you do anything special like let it sit in the water for some time before you plugged it in... Or calibrate it in a bucket... Or did you just set the temp, suction to a wall, and plug 'er in??
We just placed it in the tank and plugged it in. We haven't had to do anything to it and we have had it a year.
Yea I had to have gotten a bad one... I've been messing with the calibration on this since i got it. It will be off as much as 7 degrees! And I have a digital and glass thermometer which are consistent with each other...
Had no probs with mine. Only a little off but calibrated it with the red dial. Mine sits at a constant 78.
I find that when I adjust the heater.. Say, when the water is where I want it temp wise (79, 80), I'll turn the heater down so that's the temp it won't go below anymore, and the light will turn off right below this temp ( this making sense? )... BUT when I turn the dial down, it will go all the way down to 73 before the light actually turns off...
I have 2 thermometers in the tank and are both the same reading...
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