Live Rock Creature Question?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 31, 2003
I am seeing all kinds of new creatures in my live rock, I have a question about one... I think it is a snail without a shell, has 2 feelers and is gray and looks like a snail.

My question is, do snail's hatch from pods? I have seen to white cocoon like shells/pods emerge from my rock and I have seen the snail looking creature come from one of those holes...

Anyone have any clues...?
Sneaker said:
I am seeing all kinds of new creatures in my live rock, I have a question about one... I think it is a snail without a shell, has 2 feelers and is gray and looks like a snail.
Most likely a stomatella varia, it looks very similar to abalone and is a very common hitchiker.

My question is, do snail's hatch from pods?
No, snails hatch from snails eggs and pods reproduce much like shrimp.

I have seen to white cocoon like shells/pods emerge from my rock and I have seen the snail looking creature come from one of those holes..
Sounds like a vermetid snail

Still haven't seen any new creatures from my LR...ive had it for a little over a month now. Wish i had some free critters that came along with the ride! :wink:
Give it time two11devan you'll see some it just takes time, still see new things all the time in ours, it's great!
I take it I really don't have to worry about a vermetid snail, seems like a harmless creature...
Vermetid snails can only be a concern if they are too near sensitive corals like SPS or corals that emit strong nematocysts when bothered too often. Even still, I really doubt you will have cause for concern though.

None of the ones I mentioned are harmful.

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