45 gallon stock

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 5, 2021
Hey guys, I am just getting back into the hobby and am about to purchase a 45 gallon tank. I am looking for some opinions as to what I should stock the tank with.

I am open to anything, and I had an idea of having a betta as the center piece fish. The filter I am going with is the SeaChem Tidal 110, and wanted to do a planted tank.

My tentative stock list right now is looking like:

1 Betta
7-10 Cardinals
5-7 Cory's

Looking to complete this, or see what other options there are. Thank you for your help!
First off, welcome!!!

45G is a really great size tank for a community.

You could do those mentioned, and a group of Harlequin Rasboras which in a planted tank are stunning.

Consider the location in the tank where the fish will hang out - top, upper area, middle, lower and bottom.

Shape of a fish, Cardinals are long and slender, Betta broad and wide, Harlequin Rasbora is broader and wide, Emperor Tetra, Somewhat between the last two, longer and a little more interesting fins.

Colors of the fish, so they aren't all the same color. Unless that's what you are going for.

Red Betta, Ruby Tetras, Harlequin Rasbora, Red Platy, Cherry Barbs, Red Minor, Red Guppies, Super Red Bristlenose Ancistrus, Tiger Barbs, hahahaha.......

Anyway a easy way to get general ideas of which fish can go together would be

They will add infor like fish gets too big, fish need certain pH, fish needs different temperature, need more than one fish, too aggressive, might be eaten, etc., Kinda fun to play around with.

You can do the list / load of fish as adults or juveniles.

They tend to be on the conservative side in estimating your tank stock load.

Keep us posted on what you come up with and consider adding a link for your new tank build!!!

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