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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 14, 2015
I'm new with fish,but I have 4 damsel fish,2blue & 2stripe and I've been watching them for four days.well today they all four had there back fins raised and floating together,what's up with that?
I can't say about the behavior.
Damsels are mean fish.
Do you have a test kit for water parameters?
Being new I'll guess your tank might not be cycled?
it is important to know where your water is at;
ammonia,nitrite and nitrates.
If cycled ammonia and nitrites will be 0.
If you have either then water change to reduce the ppm to less then .75-1 ppm.
The amount of water changedis the amount nutrients go down.
IE; 1ppm ammonia and a 50% water change should yield .5 ammonia.
What size tank?
I know what's up now,the tank and water is fine,thanks.this is what's going on,one of my blue damsels was like a shark last night taking over half the tank and running the others away,well the stripes were not afraid,but what gapped the other blue joined forces with the stripes and they were all in the middle of the tank floating with fins up and they have been doing this for a while,well the tank boss is now black and hiding from the 3 others,the 3 others are not attacking but letting him know he's not gonna boss them,it's pretty cool to watch and glad I figured it out.Now waiting to see what happends

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