First Fish!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Aug 11, 2016
Hello everyone!

My girlfriend and I recently decided we wanted fish, did lots of research, and now here we are! This past weekend we purchased and put together the following:

36 gallon bow front tank
Marineland Penguin 200 filter
Seachem flourite substrate
Finnex Planted+ 24/7 LED light
EHEIM Jager 150W heater (arrives tomorrow)
2 Amazon Sword plants
1 moss ball plant

We are fishless cycling with Seachem Prime to dechlorinate, and Seachem Stability to establish the biofilter. We hope to eventually have a nice planted freshwater tank with some community fish. Hope to learn a lot and discuss fish and aquariums here on this forum :) . I'll be honest, I also haven't been a part of a forum community of any kind in probably 10 years!

Also made a post over in 'Freshwater & Brackish - Getting Started', as we're already having a little bit of plant trouble :( .
Welcome :)

55 gallon elephant nose tank.
30 gallon boraras , red longfin bristlenose, bamboo shrimp, crs,rcs and different snails.
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