
The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Apr 27, 2009
Hi Everyone!

I actually found this site quite by accident. I had a look around and thought that this was a great info site as well as a great people site! I am very much a real rookie with my aquarium. It was an inherited tank and all the stuff to go with it. I have always wanted an aquarium, I am an animal lover from the get go:D Dog and Cat! The problem that I have is that I am so far from any place that I can buy fish for an aquarium. I caught some fish from the creek around the corner from my house and that's what I have now. (they seem to be doing very well) Is there anyone else who I guess has native fish? I also was wondering about how to transport fish from a distance to put in a tank. Any wisdom would be great!:king:

Thanks and I hope to talk to you all soon!
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