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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 13, 2013
Ontario, Canada
Just wanted to say hello, I am new to being a member (but I've checked out the forums a few times, they have really helped!)
I have a 10.5 galon tank with 4 guppies and 3 mystery snails. What brought me to the site in the first place was that I had a tank full of fish, and all of them kept on dying on me... I soon found out that I was misinformed by the pet store that I could add fish right away and was therefor dealing with cycling my tank with the fish in it. I have since made some adjustments, bought a good liquid test kit and have had no more deaths since!
I just wonder about my guppies, since I have 2 females and 2 males (had 6 females and 2 males, but the 4 female fish passed before I knew what was wrong with my tank and how to accommodate it) I watch them often and the females stick together and if the males are bothering them they dash away together. I haven't noticed the males be aggressive with the females, and the females have no nipped fins or tails, but I am still a little concerned since the recommended stocking level is 2:1 at least. I would never add anymore fish now that I know my tank is cycling, so I guess there is not much I can do, but I was just wondering.
A few more details :

Ammonia - .25 ppm (it was at 2.0 ppm this morning, so I did a 30% water change)
Nitrite - 0 ppm
Nitrate - 0 ppm (but it's starting to head towards the more orange tinge of 5.0 ppm)
PH - 7.8

I test my water twice a day at least (more often if I notice any strange behaviour) and do water changes as needed to keep the ammonia levels down. Sometimes that means every day, sometimes every other day and each time I change between 10% and 30%. I feed a mixture of frozen blood worms and frozen brine shrimp and whenever I do feelings, I turn the filter and the air stone way down to reduce flow and create less waste.

Anything else you want to know, just ask!

Welcome aboard. We are glad you found us here at AA. :welcome:

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