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Aquarium Advice Newbie
May 9, 2015
I am brand new to fish tanks but have become interested in them due a family member needing the "calming effects" of the tank sound and visual. We have a 60 gallon fresh water tank that has been running for one week now. We do not have any fish as of yet as we have read many different forums on how to get a tank started. Basically this tank will be a community tank and we are really researching every detail.

We care very much about the well being of the fish we will get. So I have some questions:

1. We plan on getting some Danios, Endler's Livebearers, Cory Cat and a few other fish. We were going to have some Tetras as well but noticed that the PH and KH required are very different and not compatible on paper. Does anyone have the tetras mixed with the other fish listed in a tank together?

2. How do we raise the KH and lower the PH at the same time (or vise versa)?

3. For schooling fish, what is the minimum amount of fish to have in a school? (We want happy fish.)

I really appreciate your advice and look forward to discussions with all of you. Thanks for being part of and maintaining a forum like this.
I am brand new to fish tanks but have become interested in them due a family member needing the "calming effects" of the tank sound and visual. We have a 60 gallon fresh water tank that has been running for one week now. We do not have any fish as of yet as we have read many different forums on how to get a tank started. Basically this tank will be a community tank and we are really researching every detail.

We care very much about the well being of the fish we will get. So I have some questions:

1. We plan on getting some Danios, Endler's Livebearers, Cory Cat and a few other fish. We were going to have some Tetras as well but noticed that the PH and KH required are very different and not compatible on paper. Does anyone have the tetras mixed with the other fish listed in a tank together?

2. How do we raise the KH and lower the PH at the same time (or vise versa)?

3. For schooling fish, what is the minimum amount of fish to have in a school? (We want happy fish.)

I really appreciate your advice and look forward to discussions with all of you. Thanks for being part of and maintaining a forum like this.

Hello :)

That's great you have done some research! Many new to the hobby don't take the time to do that then come here with preventable problems. Don't stop researching there is so much to learn :) I'm still learning every day after 10 months in the hobby.

But to answer your questions:

1. Those are good choices for someone new to the hobby. Www.aqadvisor.com is great tool to help those new to the hobby with stocking to ensure compatability and so you don't overstock.

2. Unless your pH is above 8.6 or below 6.5 just leave it. Same with GH/KH, unless it's at an extreme level just leave it. There are suggested pH levels but almost all fish we keep(discus, wild caught, etc being exceptions) will adapt to your water given enough acclimation.

A saying we follow here: "It is better to be a stable pH than strive for a perfect one."

3. Any amount over 5. 5-6 is the minimum for a complete school.

Hope that clears things up :)

Some other suggestions-

A Liquid Test Kit- if you do not have one, get one. They are much more accurate than test strips and more "bang for your buck". Whenever you notice something wrong with your tank, your test kit is your "doctors master tool" for seeing what is happening in your tank chemistry.

Kuhli Loaches- many users here keep them(me too very soon hopefully!) and love them to death. Given a good school of 5-6+ they are very fun to watch. Many people don't notice loaches but IMO they are some of the best fish in the hobby. Full of personality and different from the average per store fish.

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