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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 26, 2014
northern Kentucky
I used to keep only a 5 gallon tank, but I now have a 40 gallon community tank.

I had only java ferns until I had problems with them multiplying like weeds and ran out of people to give them to. :lol: I put in water sprite, which is growing spindly (lighting not right?). I had ludwigia, which simply broke apart and stuck to the filter intake, so I threw it out. I also have a small amount of java moss, but have to keep it trimmed or it takes over, too.

I would like to have a beautiful fully planted tank, but I need advice on plants, lighting, etc.

Anacharis is a good low tech plant. I would also get Anubias as they provide a lot of shape to the aquarium. Get some root tabs and also grow some red crypts for variety. Dose liquid CO2 in the morning (4 ml a day for your size tank) and use florapride after you do water changes.

Get some floramax bulbs if you need have a florescent fixture. (most people do)

Also get a black background so it looks nice and keeps out sunlight.

You should also get some shrimp and snails. They really look good in a planted tank.
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