Hello from newbie Wendy

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 17, 2017
Help with stocking a new 29 gallon freshwater tank

Hello​, I am new to this site and want to start up a 29 gallon freshwater tank but am unsure on if my choice of tankmates will work together in that size tank. Please any advice would be much appreciated. My choices are:

1 - Dwarf Gourami (love these and heard that 2 would not work well together)
2 - Angelfish
2 - Rainbow Fish (any advice on best types?)
6 - Tetras (thought maybe Silver tip or Cardinal)
1 - Pleco

Thank you and hope to hear if these will work well!
Welcome to the community. Glad to have you with us. If I'm not mistaken I don't think gouramis and angels get along too well. If I was to have more than one gourami I would do 1 male and 2 females. Hopefully someone can chime in and post up some more info on the combo your thinking about
Welcome to the community. Glad to have you with us. If I'm not mistaken I don't think gouramis and angels get along too well. If I was to have more than one gourami I would do 1 male and 2 females. Hopefully someone can chime in and post up some more info on the combo your thinking about
Thank you so much. That does help a bit. Just wanted another somewhat larger size (3-6") fish in with a Dwarf Gourami (love the orange stripes on the males) and wasn't sure if a young Angel fish might not still work ok. If you or anyone has any other ideas I am open.
After a bit more research I have since revised my choices, taking out the Angel fish altogether. Here is my updated listing and please I still would appreciate any advice I can get to if they will work together and if the tank size of 29 gallon is suitable.

1 - Male Dwarf Gourami
2 - Australian Rainbowfish
6 - Buenos Aries Tetras
1 - Pleco
HI Wendy, I too need a bit of advise on what to stock and levels.....but I am envisaging compatablity with turtles [ small musk..max 4 / 5in when mature ]. This is a
great site to ask these questions no matter how diversified, so even though I cannot
honestly advise on your requirements, I am very aware of the need to research.
Good luck, and can I say to every body out there the more you ask the more answers.
Regards. Mike
Welcome to AA

Glad you decided to not keep the angels, I'm no expert but afraid you could have issues in a small tank.

Rainbows are wonderful fish, I have neon dwarfs in my 75 and preparing to get Australians. Minimum tank size for the Australians is 30 gallon, but they do require a 30" long tank for more swimming room.

Your tank would be at the bare minimum and kinda crowded. Here is a link for both the dwarfs and Australians, I might consider the dwarfs in your situation.

Welcome to AA

Glad you decided to not keep the angels, I'm no expert but afraid you could have issues in a small tank.

Rainbows are wonderful fish, I have neon dwarfs in my 75 and preparing to get Australians. Minimum tank size for the Australians is 30 gallon, but they do require a 30" long tank for more swimming room.

Your tank would be at the bare minimum and kinda crowded. Here is a link for both the dwarfs and Australians, I might consider the dwarfs in your situation.

Dwarf Neon Rainbowfish, Melanotaenia praecox, Neon Rainbowfish
Thank you for the suggestion, I was also considering the dwarf rainbow fish as well. I think u are right about the space and also think the shape and colouring might work better with the Gourami and Tetras I am considering. I really do appreciate the help.
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