Help me... FRY

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 17, 2014
Trying to keep just 2 baby fry alive. Any tips???!!! ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1406789258.396784.jpg

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You can get fry food from pet shops

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I'm not sure... Either goldfish or koi... What are they??

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Clean water.

Frequent tiny feedings of Hikari First Bites, which are a food for fry. Use a tip of a toothpick because this stuff is very fine and you could go too much food with just a pinch, especially with 2 fry.

Appropriate temp for the type of fish it is. Oxygen/air pump if needed.

Cover any filter intake. You don't want pureed baby fish. If you have an established tank, a rock or decoration may have microscopic food on it for them to pick at. Plants and moss often are beneficial in that way as well. Also some plants floating at the top so they feel safer.

Some people use minute amounts of egg yolk from hard boiled eggs. Don't over cook them.
Ok thank you very much I just bought them the first drops for baby fry from my local aquatic shop. I've got a lot of weed at the top but there tank isn't very clean at all. I'm scared If it's to clean and I put fresh water they will die? I did the egg yolk. I don't really know what there going to turn into. Either koi, shubumpkin or goldies... There doing well so far I think

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Ok thank you very much I just bought them the first drops for baby fry from my local aquatic shop. I've got a lot of weed at the top but there tank isn't very clean at all. I'm scared If it's to clean and I put fresh water they will die? I did the egg yolk. I don't really know what there going to turn into. Either koi, shubumpkin or goldies... There doing well so far I think

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If you can test the water, you don't want them to be injured by poor water conditions. Baby fish like to be fed frequently but tiny amounts and doing pwc is important because ammonia is harmful and uneaten food will turn toxic. Cant wait to see which kind you have!
Thank you for all your help!! Been very helpful! Do you know if they can have and water conditioners or stress coat?? And do you have an idea of when I will start seeing colours and growth?

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Water conditioners, like Prime would be fine. I doubt they would need any StressCoat but don't think it would hurt them, less is more in the additives.
With the exception of making sure the water is safe, as with Prime.

I have never raised fry Goldfish/Koi. I would think about 8 weeks you should be able to tell what they would look like/kind they would be. But they can change colors!

Keep looking for more fry, they could be hiding!
Thank you for all your help :) not putting a filter in just yet because there so tiny they will just go straight in so I've fished all the muck out. The fact there still alive is hopeful?

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Of course it is hopeful! It is odd how a fish in deplorable conditions from a tank that hasn't had water changed in months a fish can survive and in another the slightest change and all heck breaks loose. Fact is that the little guys are already survivors and also don't be too alarmed if any perish as the strongest survive, it is just a fact that some are too weak to live a full life. It is natural. Just make sure to keep good water parameters and do frequent pwc. New life is fun to watch.

For the filter, you can add a sponge over the intake. There are some from Fluval for the Edge tanks and they will fit on most intakes with a little gentle pulling if it is a larger diameter. I have used panty hose knee highs too with a double rubber band in case one fails. Just rinse well and use a new one.
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