Hi from Australia

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Aug 25, 2014
Hi Everyone,

Been using the AA to solve my aquarium issues since we bought our tank about 6months ago.

After some terrible pet-barn advice we finally were able to fix everything and only lost a few guppies in the end.

However, our fish are growing so looking to trade.

I have a female bristle-nose catfish who is now 10cm and is behaving like a jerk so if anyone wants her I'm happy to trade.

I also have a couple of silver sharks that are getting too big for our tank (both are about 10cm)

Looking for:

2 more albino corydoras
2 more bronze corydoras
2 more julii corydoras (I think the one we have is a fake julii so anything that schools with it)
10 rummy nose tetras (or any interesting tetras that aren't neon)
And some more male guppies (any colour other than the orange variations).

Also looking for a 100l tank if anyone wants to get rid of one.

Just let me know.

I'm based in Newcastle, NSW, Australia

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