HmM A iNtReStINg PeRsOn

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jun 26, 2005
cleveland OH
:splat: Hello all i am 15 and i have owned a 20 gallon (my first tank) once but it was given away to younger cousins :) it had 1 glowlite tetra, 3 neon tetras, 2 swordtails, a blueahark i think or like the non-aggr type like the redfin, had a fancy guppy (but Died) and the funny part was i did not ask advice from anyone, and i filled up my fishtank put chlorine remover and stuff and put fish RIGHT in, adn they all Survived!!

lol i am VERY intrested in Little Fishies, and i have ALWAYS wanted to build a tank (which i am going to do shorty) and thats about it

(p.S.) my Step family (my step mom and her 3 sons) bred fancy tail guppies and my 20 yr old brother has 4 pirahnas!

but i hope to become a AVID user!
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