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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 25, 2013
Hello! I'm a beginner fish tank enthusiast. My boyfriend and decided to jump right into the fish world since we can't have other pets in our apartment. So we dove head first into cichlids. Right now we have a ten gallon tank with 3 cichlids and a cleaner fish. I've been told that's too many fish by some and others have said they've had way more than that. We plan to upgrade to a 30 or 50 gallon tank once we've kept these guys alive for a while. We've found that they get along pretty well and hide when the tank light is on. We have been keeping the light off for most of the day because the tank is in a room with plenty of light. Mostly I'm here to learn!
Welcome to the hobby and the forums! :)
With cichlids it's the size of the tank that is important. Most cichlids will reach up to 6 inches long or larger and require at least a 55g tank. There are also a lot of stocking concerns when buying cichlids. Some species are incompatible with other species while again some are known as tank killers which can overnight flip a switch and turn into Jeffrey Dahmer and start killing all of your fish.

What type of cichlids did you end up buying?

I would also take a look at some of these links.

Fish-in Cycling: Step over into the dark side - Aquarium Advice

Cookie Cutter - 55-gallons
(I have one of the less aggressive mbuna tanks)'

Also, what city do you live in? Go michigan! :)
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