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Aquarium Advice Activist
Oct 23, 2013
Hey everyone! I've been trying to find a site where I can help other people with aquariums and where other people might be able to help me! I'm really excited to try this site out!

I've had fish for 5-6 years. I currently have a 10 gallon tank with 2 male fancy guppies and 2 peppered corydoras catfish. The types of fish that I have had over the years have been; bettas, mollies, serpae tetras, guppies, silver hatchetfish and catfish. I only buy my fish at Petland, as I find the fish at my local Petland, although they may be expensive, are really high quality. I have tried other places, but my fish from Petland seem to last the longest. Well, thanks for reading this! I hope I'm able to help you guys out!
If you have any suggestions for me, please tell me!!!! I would live to hear from you guys!
Thanks! Already so many people have helped me! I really appreciate it!
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