New Supplyer

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 7, 2013
So here's the story. My girlfriend and I started to breed fish for fun then we wanted to sell them. We have a guy that is opening a new LFS and he wants to buy our fish. I've been trying to think of everything to make sure I'm not going to get screwed over. Can someone help me figure out what to do (ex: prices, fish, etc.)? Also I'd like to know how to get ourselves more well known so we can supply more. All suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Thanks, I hope to get a lot out of these forums :)
O you will plus some Haha

I'd figure out what all your buddy wants to carry in the store and go from there first
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Thanks :) by the way, does anyone have any suggestions to what I should do about being a supply for a LFS?

its really a demand thing and what he's going to carry as bread & butter fish - then go from there.
What fish do you currently have and do you have a fishroom?
I currently have fancy guppies, lyrtail guppies, marigold wag swordtails, angelfish, soon to have discus and yellow tipped blue peacock cichlids.
Schulfer said:
I currently have fancy guppies, lyrtail guppies, marigold wag swordtails, angelfish, soon to have discus and yellow tipped blue peacock cichlids.

Glides, mollies, platies, and swordtails are all good fish to start breeding. What tanks do you have?
I have about 5 10gal, a 20gal, 29gal, 40gal and a 55gal
I should be getting some soon, but I might make a few of my own
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