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Aquarium Advice Freak
Dec 21, 2010
South Jersey
My dad showed me all about livebearers years ago, we had a 110 gal. community tank with angels, dojo weather fish, pleco, zebra danios, bala sharks, a 10 gal with swordtails- 4 generations and a 10 gal with guppies of course. What an awesome educational experience! Miss my dad alot and it took years for me to get back into the hobby but now I'm back and I love it! My dad would be very proud! :D

Current tanks:

30 gal long-1 pleco, 4 corries, 5 zebra danios, 4 bleeding heart tetras, 4 white tetras.

10 gal hexagon -4 harlequin rasboras, 1 green nerite snail.

Question: I'm thinking about getting 1 or 2 Red Cherry Shrimp for the hex tank do you think it will be too much bioload?
Welcome to AA! :)

A few RCS would be fine in the hex in my opinion.
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