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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 25, 2011
Near St. Louis, Missouri
Hi, I'm a new guy here, and to the aquarium in general. It all started with a Walmart Betta who I was so enraged about the condition he was left in my Fiance and myself bought him an all the kit we could figure went with him with the plan of giving him a quiet place to die (I mean, walmart fish. It seemed rational) and coming back with the receipt for the next one.

Over two months later, Leon the Betta is doing fine and through the course of events we now own four bettas, a ten gallon tank that's been bubbling along and seems to be going well with guppies and a 37 gallon which is populated by a bridge, a plastic plant, and a moss ball.

I have basically no idea what I'm doing, and am wandering the internet in search of great wisdom... or at least advice on how not to become death incarnate to my fish! The guppies seem to like me, so I think I'm figuring it out :D.

And yes, I've ruthlessly plumbed this site for things, and probobly already owe several of you my thanks.
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