American Marine PH Monitor

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 16, 2008
Does anyone have one of these for keep track of there PH level? I feel my PH level is very important for keeping marine life healthy. Is any one using this right now? If so how accurate is it? I am thinking of getting one from Marine Depot next week.
I have one. Works very well IMO when I keep a battery in it. :) Getthe pkg with the calibration fluid, etc.

Interesting to watch it go up and down as the lights go on and off.
Yeah I will be getting the Package. With the Ac adapter. I want it cause API and test kits are really bad with there color format so might as well spend the money and get a Monitor.
ph is very important

i do not have one of those but ph is extremely important in the saltwater tanks. especially because it needs to be 8.3 ish instead of waters natural 7.0, my ph dropped into the 7's and my mushrooms and button polyps were literally dissolving after a few days, was not fun lost a lot of cool stuff.
A pH monitor is a nice toy to have, but for as much as you need test pH, IMO a test kit is fine. I probably haven't tested my pH in 5 years and don't even own a non-expired pH test kit. (ssshhhhhhhhh...don't tell anyone)
Now if your running a ca reactor, that's a different story.
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