Do aquarium light reflectors help increase aquarium lighting?

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Nicki Gaga

Aquarium Advice Freak
Jul 17, 2014
My tank is 24 gallons and 36 watts (1.5wpg). It's 30cm high and uses T8 bulbs and my tank is of Juwel brand.

I would like my plants to grow faster so if I add reflectors, will it increase the wpg and therefore promote plant growth? I would like to help my elodeas grow faster.

And what's the difference between using reflectors and T5 Hi-Lite bulbs?
Light Reflectors

My tank is 24 gallons and 36 watts (1.5wpg). It's 30cm high and uses T8 bulbs and my tank is of Juwel brand.

I would like my plants to grow faster so if I add reflectors, will it increase the wpg and therefore promote plant growth? I would like to help my elodeas grow faster.

And what's the difference between using reflectors and T5 Hi-Lite bulbs?

Hello Nick...

If you believe the advertizing, they do. I think they're value is minimal and not worth the cost or time to put them in the light fixture. Most light strips come with reflectors. You have moderate light at 1.5 watts per gallon. This is fine for plants that require subdued lighting. Review the requirements of the plants you have. If they require more light, then look into a two lamp set up. Solarmax has a very good product and the cost is pretty reasonable.

I read a thread on TPT about reflectors vs no reflectors and the amount of PAR output. Through taking a t-5 fixture with poor reflectors and measuring the par it came out around 50-55 at 18 inches depth. With high quality reflects the same t-5 fixture put out 65-70 par at that same depth. this is only a concern if you want to grow more difficult or carpeting plant but if you just want to stick to the lower light plants do what B said. Hope this helps! :)
But also keep in mind any additional light sent down into the tank is less heat dissipated into your hood/cover/room, which can be a good thing, so there is a side benefit.
My plants include elodea, vallisneria, anubias, java fern and java moss so are reflectors still necessary? I have a CO2 diffuser in the tank too.
With those plants reflectors shouldn't be necessary. Just add another t-8 build for a little more light if you want. With those plants I would look at the Finnex planted plus. Good medium lighting, no bulb replacements and RGB less that add good color to the tank and a bonus moonlight affect.
Okay so I ditched the reflectors. However, I can't add or change the bulbs as I've got a Juwel tank and in order to alter them, I need to buy a new tank to get new ballasts. Is there any other way, or are my tank lights fine the way they are?

What I'm giving them are:
Light - natural sunlight from morning to afternoon and tank sunlight from afternoon to evening (my tank is 1.5wpg)
Liquid fertiliser - JBL Ferropol and JBL Ferropol 24
Carbon dioxide - CO2 reactor (the yeast and sugar method)

So is this enough for my plants to thrive? The anubias, java fern and java moss are stuck to my bogwood.
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