Filtration question!

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Mar 15, 2013
New Jersey
Ok so i currently have a 29gal tank

The tank is equipped with an under gravel filter

I dont use the little charcoal inserts advertised at the pet stores as my research seemed proved it un neccisary

So my filtration is basically the two heads (chimney figures) at each end of the tank with airstones

So would a traditional overhead filter work better/provide better filtration
I have had this tank for over 5yrs but now that i want more fish the concern of overcrowding/waste pollution has risen once again

I know that these overhead filters are equipped with cartridges for filtration
So does that make them more effective in keeping the tanks waste pollution under control?
Ams does this provide more oxygen/water flow?

Here is the second part of my question

My current setup

1 male Julidochromis
2 balloon mollies
Large common algae eater
Two crayfish ( 3.5inch electric blue and another 1.5 inch mexican dwarf)
So my brother recently brought up the topic of waste pollution in my tank
Between the two mollies and algae eater there is already a large amount of waste
Lately i have been doing a 50% water change every 2-3 weeks but i hope to change that to a more frequent 25% per week

So can i add more fish?
I was looking at getting a second julidochromis and/or a yoyo loach
Can i get these two fish or any at all?
I have adequate housing for both knowing that they both enjoy rocks and crevices


any answers/suggestions are welcome :)
I would definitely get another filter running on the tank, an undergravel filter is inadequate IMO. Yes, HOB filters do work well, as with canisters. Canisters are always better, but if you have a budget an HOB might be better...I recommend the AquaClear's and Fluval C series. Any would work fine, these just have more room for biological media and whatnot. Of course with the outflow of the filter, it will provide more water agitation and flow. I do 50% pwc's on my tank weekly, (60g) so doing a 25% a week sounds good to me. I think you could get more fish, just up the filtration there.
Definitely switch from the UG filter, they work but are really outdated. Filters like the aquaclears and c series HOBs as suggested above do an amazing job, I have both and love them. I also have a fluval 06 series canister filter that keeps my tank perfectly clean but it was about 2.5 times the cost of the HOBs. If you get either of these remove the carbon insert and replace it with some pillow stuffing and you'll be amazed. I'll post a picture of what to buy from any Walmart, costs $3 for the bag.

As for stock, I think you can add some but stay away from loaches in that tank. Even the smaller body loaches need a good amount of floor space and should be kept in a shoal (group). May check out Corydoras though, they would do well and are very entertaining.


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I completly agree with Zimmanski. When you break down the tank to remove the UG filter, you'll be shocked.....
Yup, the UG filters don't really remove the poo and junk from the tank, just sucks it up somewhere and sits there lol. And Zim is right, the HOBs work great and canisters are better IMO, but as he stated they are more than double the price of most good HOB filters.
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