How to drill a tank

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 6, 2013
In a house
Starting from the basics. My dad an I are gonna go full out on my reef tank upgraded, including predrilling for a 20 long or 40 breeder not really sure yet but anyway, how do you drill a tank safely and cost effective

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Awesome, thanks! Do you know any brand of tank that's not tempered. I plan to grab the 55 at the next dollar per gallon sale

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There is a way to tell if it is tempered, but I don't remember all the details. It has something to do with inspecting the tank outdoors in the sunlight while wearing polarized sun glasses. Apparently, tempered glass has a rainbow look to it.* Don't hold me to that though.

I would think stickers and such on new tanks would specify if tempered or not, but I only own second hand tanks so I cannot verify that. Best bet is to figure out what BRAND tanks are a part of the $1/gallon sale, then look at the manufacturers website and determine if tempered or plate.
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