I should know this but...

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 8, 2011
I'm trying to cypher the tank water for my turtles that I've just added feeder fish. I can't remember for the life of me how to get the tube to start. I believe I have to submerge the entire hose but it's one with a plastic cylinder on one end and then the plastic hose which also had a control clamp on it. Am I supposed to submerge the entire unit into the water? I believe I have a 29 gallon tank with a floating deck that I've removed before I gave my turtles a heart attack.
Well... you can pre-fill the hose a bit with water from the sink or an outside faucet and just leave enough air to avoid spilling, then put the end that goes into the tank all the way under the water to get rid of that amount of air and put the other end below the tank into your container. Gravity should take over from there.

If you have a really great set of lungs you can just try sucking on the drain end until the water starts to flow :) I've done that before!
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