Just got my AquaClear

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 27, 2003
Cleveland, Ohio
Just recieved my Aquaclear in the mail today, set it up and have it running on my smaller tank before putting it in my big one. A few things bug my, dont get me wrong the extra filtration is a big step up from my whisper but the quality doesnt seem that great. I mean the whisper has a nice valve, better and deeper tubing with snap connectors, and and seem alittle more well constructed. I guess its stilll better then not listening to trickling water from the BioWheels though, other then that Im happy with it.
When my Pengin filters die, I plan on replacing them with Aquaclears for the added media flexibility.

Regarding the quality, I've noticed that every year the build quality of most things decreases slightly. The plastic or metal is a wee bit thinner, and fasteners are replaced by spot welds. I guess it just means that a product bought today won't take the bumps and jolts that the same product bought 10 years ago did. *Sigh*
Yeah, as far as the ACs go, I would get a Emperor when you replace your penguin as they have lots of flexibility. My AC5 only has 30 spots for media, sponge, carbon, bio max thats all.

Hey how often should I replace the media anyway? I only had a sponge and carbon in my old Whisper.
you dont replace the media in AC filters, except if you're using Carbon... which needs to be replaced weekly I believe to maintain effectiveness.

The sponges should just be rinsed/shuished in the old tank water when doing a water change to retain the bacteria populations on them. A lot of ppl including myself just use 2 sponges in the AC media spot, sometimes with filter floss or carbon inbetween them.

I love AC filters - but you need to watch out for 1 thing - be VERY careful to not drop them onto the motor housing. The tabs on the filter housing that the motor locks into are fairly thin and if they break, you cannot reliably reseat the motor to create a water-tight fitting. I broke a small AC filter and was able to keep it "together" by wrapping the thing in electrical tape to hold the motor on :)
When my Pengin filters die, I plan on replacing them with Aquaclears for the added media flexibility.

What do you mean? Penguins have the biowheels plus a slot for extra media. What more is there?
Just curious.
I replace carbon monthly, what about those Bio Max filter, how ofthen do I need to replace those ceramic things?

Whats filter floss anyways?
Don't replace the Biomax. The instructions will tell you to but they're just trying to make a buck LOL. You can rinse it in tankwater the same way you rinse your sponge. I don't even use carbon in mine. I stack 2 sponges on top of each other instead.

The thing I don't like about the Marineland cartridges is that the carbon is inside the filter pad, so you can't go without unless you make some modifications. They are expensive too. The AC is much cheaper to use in the long run.
For small filters, the aquaclears are simple in design and let you have choice with regards to what media you put above the sponge. Not many small filters like that. I despise the ones with proprietary cartridges. I think that is why the aquaclear is so popular.

I have some floss above the sponge, then porous biomedia above that. The sponge gets rinsed periodically, and the floss gets replaced. the porouse biomedia stays clean and unclogged and is never replaced.
Yeah. go online, its called filter floss. Chances are your LFS has some corner filters running in some of the tanks, and I bet they have the white (at least when its new) floss in it. It is somewhat cottony, kinda like the stuff they put in the top of the tylenol bottles? It isn't cotton, its some other material, but when you see a fluffy bag stuffed with it you will instantly recognize what it is.

I cram it into the aquaclear below the biomedia, and in the fluval I cram it into a media basket below the biomedia. Its just another layer of mechanical filtration, although like anything in the tank, it gets colonized. Way back when, before the ceramic porous biomedia, filter floss and carbon was your biomedia too. But with biomedia elswhere, it is disposable fine mechanical filtration.

It is sold in sheets that you can form cut to any shape you want, or in big fluff bags that you just pull off what you want and cram in.
richiestang_78 said:
I replace carbon monthly, what about those Bio Max filter, how ofthen do I need to replace those ceramic things?

Whats filter floss anyways?
No need for carbon, except for removing meds or clearing tannins. Using the bio-max on top and 2 sponges under it, works very well. The sponges and bio-max can just be rinsed and put back in. :wink:

Much cheaper than replacing filter cartridges every couple weeks or month.
Only for a short while (like a few days) then its used up...as mentioned you don't need it...
My filter comes with the pouches that have it packaged inside the cartridge so I use it...but thats the only reason.
Yeah, carbon is only sticky for a few weeks, then it just becomes granules with surface area for the bacteria to live on. Carbon actually is a relatively good substrate for the bacteria to live on, but its adsorption capacity is rather temporary. Thus, many skip the carbon and just add porous, high surface area substrate for the bacteria. My tanks are cyrstal clear, never had any carbon in them.
Alright when the carbons up Ill switch to another sponge, should I get the same type of sponge or is there one type of sponge better then another?
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