looking for help to fix a issue with my JBL proflora regulator

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 19, 2018
Hi i have a JBL Proflora CO2 kit where the regulator is leaking through the black screw sitting at the bottom of the regulator.

any had this issue ? if so how did you plug it lol

you can see the pictures here : https://1drv.ms/f/s!AnJV5nPO9oBWgQPTmwEOqr_7wyo5

each time i try to open the co2 i just flows right out through that place.

im thinking maybe try fille whole hole up with silicone ?.

or should i just buy a new regulator. Cause it looks to me that place is some kind emergency let out if the pressure is to high.

atm my freshwater is running with out co2 and i can see i need to do something now as its noticeable on the plantlife.

any you guys have ideas ?.
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