Mod A Sump?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 6, 2005
Illinois USA
I just got a ProClear Aquatics Pro 150 Wet/Dry Filter with the Skimmer and 2 pumps. My question is would it be better with Live Rock? Is there any way to turn this into a refuge? Besides the Sponges and the Bioballs do I need to add anything? I also Have a Bio wheel still running how many day till I can take it out?
I'm no expert, but here are some thoughts.

I'm not sure how big it is but maybe you could put a container such as a trash can in it, attach a small PH to push water into it, then allow the water to flow out of the container back into the sump through a couple slots cut in it. add a light and you've got a fuge.

most people recommend LR rubble over bioballs. LR needs to be kept wet, not wet/dry.
this will help cut nitrates.
OK well I guess I have to keep the balls then because it like rains on them in the box. I was hoping there was a way to use my current wet dry as a sump or a refuge and sump together.
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