New Filter - Your Thoughts . . .

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Dec 27, 2003
Orlando, FL
I received a very early Christmas present for my 30 gallon cube tank. I am getting a Eheim 2213 Filter to replace my Penguin BioWheel 170. I am hoping to see improved water quality and happier fish in the future.

Anybody else have any experience with Ehiem filters? Thank you for your time.
I switched from an emperor bio wheel to an eheim 2224. I have noticed a little better water quality since. I also like how they are very quiet and unseen. My emperor was loud and ugly, so it was an improvement for me.

There is just a little more involved in cleaning it, but still very easy.
I don't have an Eheim filter but I did get a Rena Filstar recently. Congratulations on getting one of the best canister filters that are made. I've found that they are great to use, especially with planted freshwater tanks, and should help with saltwater tanks as well. They are quieter, more efficient and clutter up the tank less.
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