Phosphate reactor vs Fluval 405 Phos media?

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I buy GFO pellets from BulkReefSupply. Phosban is the same thing and costs alot more.

IMO, a cansiter filter is not a good place to run GFO. It should have very, very low flow (like 100-200gph) going thru it so it doesn't grind together, turn to dust and end up all over the tank. The media should be gently tumbling in the reactor, and you won't be able to see that inside the canister.

that's a great tidbit of info....I've been using the rowaphos for a couple of years (I have a horrible time with phosphates). I think I'll take a look at buying the GFO from bulkreefsupply.
They seem to have everything that they sell there very affordable and there quality is real good for the price. IMO
I can also vouch for the generic GFO granules that Doctor Foster & Smith sell. It's their house brand.
I tried that too. It works fine, but is extremely dusty compared to the BRS pellets. It needs alot more rinsing. I like the pellets much better. The Dr F&S gfo is very similar to the BRS granular gfo and priced about the same.
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