polystyrene sheet, is it poisonous to fish?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 7, 2005
I was just about to build my sump with some polystyrene that i got from work, however someone has just told me that it is poisonous to fish?

is this correct. the sheet is clear perspex, but is marked up as being polystyrene. apprently its the acrylic perspex that is safe for fish.

is this correct?

i really need advice on this fast.


I honestly don't know. The only opinoin I can offer are the fact that many use styrafoam insulation to scuplt backgrounds and other arcitecture for their tanks and, to my knowledge, none of them have experienced problems attributed to the styrafoam.

I would keep checking though, don't go on just my opinion.
good point, i hadn't thought of that one.

the person that told me it was poisonous, said that it was recycled plastic (ie polystrene) which is poisonous!

as far as i know polystrene is completely inert? and is definetly not soluable.

i think i'll go ahead and use it.

cheers for the help

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