My updated 55 Gallon

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nice tank. its really pretty. where did you get your tank? im lookign for a 55 gallon one.
Love the tank! The black background really brings out the colors of the plants, substrate, and fish quite nicely... did you add it yourself or is it built into the tank to hide the filtration equipment?
Mine have no problems with each other whatsoever. There's obviously one big one so he's like the Super Star Destroyer amongst the smaller Star Destroyers in the tank. That might have something to do with the non aggressiveness. There's an obvious chain of command. The other three I bought at the same time and they line up to get fed.

You are so lucky! I had an angel fish once in a tank, mean lil guy! He went after everything and everyone. I eventually had to give him to a friend of mine to keep cause he just killed everything off! :( I've now vowed to never get them again, though I still love how they look! :D
May i guess your stock list?
Here it is
Panda Corys
Kuhli Loaches
Siamese Algea eaters
Bristlenose Pleco (not sure what kind)
Herqulian Rosboras
German blue ram or Blue ram
African dwarf frog.

Thats all the fish i got from the film! :)
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