At what age...?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 1, 2013
Hey, I was wondering at what age do platy fry start to get their colours.
I have recently had a batch of about 30 fry and I can't wait to see what colours they all turn out :)
It all depends on what you feed them and how often and much you change your water. Usually it took 1-1.5 month for mine to color up.
It all depends on what you feed them and how often and much you change your water. Usually it took 1-1.5 month for mine to color up.

Ok thanks.. what's the best food and water changes to do?
BBS (Baby Brine Shrimp) is the best thing to feed them IMO. If you don't want to hassle with live food I like Hikari "First Bites". As for PWC's a 25% water change every day would be best but most people can't do that, Just do it as often as you.
Thanks for your help :) They are currently on tetra mini baby food but I will get some BBS and change their water as often as I can :)
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