Baby platy?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 12, 2013
So i came home today and was watching my tank and i noticed a fry. I have 3 prego fish, 2 being platies and one molly. Thing is one of the platies ate the fry and idk what to do/ which is prego?! I have one in a nursery now, but what about the other two that may be the actual ones giing birth? Also will there be more? Idk what fish spawned the fry im completely lost!
I would search the tank really well. Fry can hide anywhere! Look at the mothers stomach, you can usually see little eyes. If you see eyes in all of them, then the one that have birth to your fry is not done. I always let my mamas give birth in the community tank. It is less stressful for them. It takes a while to round up all the little guys, but its kind of fun. I then put the fry in a breeding net(box) to raise them. They grow a lot slower in the net, but most of them will survive.
I put a platy in the net, he plopped out one more, not sure if shes done?
Yay!!!! I have 12 platy fry myself! It is a lot of fun watching them grow! If you are able to, get some Hikari first bites to feed them. If not, just finely crush flake food for them.
Thats exactly what i bought, hope theyre still alive though D:
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