Dead fry?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 1, 2015
I keep finding dead fry in my nursery tank but the thing is I have only found one that wasnt stuck in the rocks and dead. Are they going into the rocks to hide, getting stuck and dying? If so should I remove the rocks?
I keep finding dead fry in my nursery tank but the thing is I have only found one that wasnt stuck in the rocks and dead. Are they going into the rocks to hide, getting stuck and dying? If so should I remove the rocks?

Typically in a tank for fry you have bare bottom because fry are so fragile. The rocks might be what killed them. Also yes fry try to find a hiding spot if they are not alone in the tank, if gravel was the only option I guess they tried it.


~10g 7 ghost shrimp, Betta,2 ADF
~45g ick is fixed! 5 White skirt tetras. Soon to add Corys
~75g NEW! dojo loach, 5 black Skirt Tetras, 5 cherry barbs, live plants
The only thing that should b in ur nursey tank is a sponge filter (optional), a small heater, and mayb some plants for them

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They are in a tank by themselves. I do have a plant for them in there and a moss ball but thats it. So I should try and remove the gravel?
They are in a tank by themselves. I do have a plant for them in there and a moss ball but thats it. So I should try and remove the gravel?

My vote is on yes. Gently remove it all if possible. You want bare bottom to minimalize the chance of fry getting injured.


~10g 7 ghost shrimp, Betta,2 ADF
~45g ick is fixed! 5 White skirt tetras. Soon to add Corys
~75g NEW! dojo loach, 5 black Skirt Tetras, 5 cherry barbs, live plants
Okay, thank you

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Yes. Fry and gravel do not mix very well

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well your in a bad spot, removing gravel will take out necessary bacteria for fragile fry, use sand, they wont get stuck and will have bacteria, i have rocks in mine and my fry are fine, mine are Mollie, guppy, and platy.
your filter may be too strong
I have no filter just a few plants and the gravel

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I have no filter just a few plants and the gravel

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Best setup for fry IMO
Small sponge filter
At least 30g or 40b
Bare bottom
Heater if necessary

Best case for least fry injuries


~10g 7 ghost shrimp, Betta,2 ADF
~45g ick is fixed! 5 White skirt tetras. Soon to add Corys
~75g NEW! dojo loach, 5 black Skirt Tetras, 5 cherry barbs, live plants
In my opinion... If you really want to have a spot for the fry to hide, take out your rocks and the gravel, put in a ton of Java moss or some sort. Mosses are safe for fry, a good hiding spot, And are soft so you are ensured that your fry won't die from it rather than the rock where the fry could have scraped up against it.

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removing gravel will take out necessary bacteria for fragile fry

Sorry but this is quite often a very debated topic. General consensus seems to point in the direction that the majority of beneficial bacteria is in the filter and very minimal bacteria (if any) does exist on the substrate and tank walls.

Op, as stated by others I agree a nursery tank should be bare bottom and sponge filter.

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Could they have died of ammonia spikes? If you have no filter, that is very possible, unless you do daily pws
I clean at least part of the water everyday. As of now I have only had two that were not stuck in the rocks when I found them so I think they got stuck and died

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Since you do daily PWCs, I am with the others on the fact that the gravel may have got em
Yeah on my next batch I'm going to remove the gravel. It would be difficult to do it now

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What kind of fry are they?
I found that bare bottom really didn't do any favors for my cories because they're constantly sitting on top of whatever builds up on the bottom, even though I was cleaning daily more than once. I wouldn't suggest gravel period, since any fry could go rummaging for food and get stuck. A thin layer of sand is my preference :)
They are molly fry. I ended up taking the rocks out and I have only had one doe since and I think it was natural because it was a bit smaller than the rest

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