do female mollies prepare a "nest"?

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My female is looking pretty fat and has been hanging out in a bowl shaped ornament for a few days and cleaning it a lot. is she making a place to have her babies?
hi i'm having the same problem with my molly were as mine is just hanging around the top of my filter she is really fat and i dont no when to move here into another tank.
Mollie don't make a nest to have there babys, But they will get real slow and stay motionless a day or two before droping the babys. Hanging around at the top setting on top of stuff. This is a behaver. Of a female geting ready to drop. Mollies will get real square shaped in the anul area, afew dys before droping the babys.
Yup, what weasel f said. Mine just get slow (well as slow as they can get with the male always following her), then in the morning I see some little ones.
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