Female Ghost Shrimp Carrying Eggs (Pics Included)

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 16, 2006
Paw Paw, MI
I just happened to notice when I was feeding my ghost shrimp today that one of the females was carrying eggs. I had to laugh because the night before I was on here reading some posts about breeding ghost shrimp and what the eggs looked like. If it weren't for that post I probably wouldn't have even noticed them in the first place. I made a special point to check for them on my shrimp and I was pleasantly surprised when found a female with little green eggs. I took quite a few pics but only a few of them turned out to be decent enough to show the eggs. I will be going to buy a breeder tonight to put the female in but does anyone know how long it is going to take for the female to release the eggs? I have no clue how long the eggs have been there. I have had the shrimp for 2 weeks or so and I didn't notice any then but I didn't even think to check to be completely honest. As far as the pics go, they looked better before I had to resize them. I still need practice I guess LOL.


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here's whatcha do:

When you notice the eggs turning more of an oval shape that circular, she will be dropping them very soon. They will look like they were squished. And you will be able to see little eyes inside the eggs. They will also change color from that dark green to a more lighter shade of green.

I can't tell you how long that will be, since I don't know how long she has been carrying, all I can say is keep a close watch on her.

You will know right before she drops as eggs will turn around. Instead of being lengthwise inside of her, they will start pointing down, and look like they are about to fall out of her. Take her out when she is no longer carrying any eggs. She will eat her babies.

When you have the babies, they will not eat fry food until about 2 weeks, or when tehy start walking around like little adults. When they are first hatched, they will float tail up at the water line. THIS IS NORMAL! (it freaked me out when I saw it, I thought they were all dead). Then they will start to stick to the side of the glass (or net). Then they will move to the floor.

When this happened to me, I just so happened to have an empty 10g that I was able to put her in right before she released the eggs.
The photos were actually better, as I stated, before I had to resize them to fit. I also took a ~2 min video with the same digital camera and it was VERY clear. If there is a spot to post it I will if any of you are interested. It shows the female moving water over the eggs and the eggs moving back and forth. Just let me know if you want to see it.
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