Is my Parrot Platy pregnant?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 7, 2013
Hi, I bought a Parrot platy and an Apple platy from the fish store yesterday (both female) and noticed that my parrot platy was quite a bit fatter than the apple platy. I think it may be pregnant but I just want to make sure. Also when do I know to put her in a breeders box?
Thanks. Also she is in the breeders box already because is had to take a photo of her.


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It looks plump, but not plump enough to be ready to drop babies. If she gets stressed in the breeding box, she may abort the babies or have them to early, when they may be too under-developed to survive. Best to put her back in the main tank until she shows signs of dropping. She will be very swollen and may hide and stay fairly still in one place - then put her in the box until she has had the babies.
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