Tiger Barb Eggs

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 2, 2010
Boston, MA
Well, after about 4-6 days of what I thought was the Tiger barbs reestablishing territory and ranks, one (maybe two) of the females appears to be constantly laying eggs.

My tank is a little bit in a frenzy right now with all the tiger barbs chasing each other while the krib is just trying to stay out of the way.

There seems to be a large amount of eggs under 1 of the plants (the bacopa) with the rest scattered around. I have read that they will eat their eggs and have little chance of surviving when in the same tank. Is there anything I could do now to improve their chances, like getting a breeder net from petco?
If you want to raise tiger barbs your best bet would be to set up a 20L as a breeding tank. Plenty of live plants like java moss and Najas and get some golden pearls to feed the fry.
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