What do boesemani rainbow eggs LOOK like?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Nov 19, 2013
Portland, OR
My boesemani rainbows engage in courting/spawning behavior every morning. All the way up to what [I've read] occurs as they actually spawn - the rainbows put their heads together side by side and vibrate violently.

I've never actually SEEN any eggs though and I think it's because I do not know what I'm looking for. I suspect they have laid some, because my Angel will frequently get preoccupied with picking/eating a spot near where the boesemani's were doing this behavior.

Can someone please tell me what I'm looking for, or even provide a picture of some eggs on something? Usually I go to google but I haven't been able to find any pictures of rainbow eggs, nor even a description of what they look like!! No clue what size they are, consistency, are they just specks laying around or in "jelly" etc etc etc. I can't find out anything at all about them.

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